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The Evolution of Grease Removal for Restaurants.

   Are you exhausted using toxic cleaning solutions which does not produce results you really want or desire? Scratching your head on which non-tedious solution you can quickly, easily and efficiently use to remove the tough grease and film grime from ventilation hoods, FOG on Windows, floor towels and grout?  What about the carpets, pots, pans? You have set the best cleaning procedures, observed  grease control devices (GCD) maintenance but still the best dissolving FOG cleaner solution for your indoor cleansing remains and headache! Don't worry anymore your search is over! Read this article to the end and you will never type "restaurants grease removal" in the search engines anymore! Without hesitation let dive in...... First, let review the consequences of disposing wastewater directly or indirectly down the sewer line, not taking the right cleaning precautions and the necessity of installing a GCD , also required by the regulating authority. Even if you know so much

The Ultimate Guide To Types Of Indoor Molds And Their Potential Health Risks.

 Molds are fungus which belong to kingdom Fungi and are both essential and dangerous! They are essential for reproducing enzymes which are used in decomposing dead trees, plants, leaves, industrially in production of other products and manufacturing antibiotics such as  penicillin and other drugs. They are as well dangerous to the fact that, they leases mycotoxins which harm both human beings and other living organisms. They can cause allergy reactions , ashtma, chronic sinuses, pulmonary hemorrhage and many other infections.  They also produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which cause odors and extract enzymes which impair structural integrity on the surface they grow on, like; papers , carpets and textiles. Molds exist both indoors and outdoors. And, with increased possibility that there are numerous molds that can exist indoors, scientists have concluded that there are only 14 common types of molds fungus to be found indoors. They include: 1. Acremonium 2. Aspergillus 3. Altern

The Insiders Guide to What Causes Mold and Mildew in the Bathroom and How to Get Rid of It.

Mold and Mildew are in nature fungus, unlike mildew being a fungus it health consequences are not severe as those of mold. As well known, mold is essential in the decomposition of dead plants, trees and leaves. However, when it lands or creeps into your house it becomes completely dangerous both to your health and the whole family. It's a pervasive fungus that grows both indoor and outdoor, and it has significant dangers to our health. The only question that keeps dripping in our mind is; what are the main causes of mold and mildew, what is the ultimate solution or the best mold remover  to get rid of the already accumulated fungus and the best future practices to avoid such microbes from creeping back into our showers!  And Without further buildup, let dive in...... The first critical element you need to understand is that mold and mildew reproduces, spread and thrives in a wet, dark and warm places which makes your bathroom an ideal place for these microscopic spores to appear. T

Why. Best Cleaner For Dog Urine on Carpets in 2021 Will Change Your Life!

There are many types of stains which can stain our carpets! Dog or cat stains, grease spots, drink spills and, or food stains. Some of them happens accidentally and unfortunately regardless of our best effort to avoid them! Now let dive to the reality..... It's your ultimate desire to see you carpets as clean and sparkling as new! But let make it a bit more real. You may be affected by the urine stains for the moment and you need the best dog stain remover , but what about your upholstery fabrics ? They are also in danger of being spilled and stained! What about mold growth? Do you know according to scientists  their is a potential of unlimited types molds to grow indoors? Though according to research, there are 14 common types of molds that grow indoors. Check the 14 common types of molds that grow indoors and their potential health risks here!   What if I tell you that you don't need to worry any further nor be afraid of almost all types of stains, molds and mildew on your ca

A Complete Beginers Guide To Grease Control Devices.

Grease control device is a device used to collect, contain, and remove food waste, including FOG from the wastewater while allowing the remaining wastewater to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system by gravity.  When FOG ( fats, oil and grease) wastewater from dishwashers, floor drains or mop sink are discharged directly to the sewer line it solidify, accumulate and the pipes internal opening.  Eventually, FOG can completely clog the inside of the pipe causing sewerage to backup, into the business, or sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) onto the streets and storm water system. These SSOs can have a huge negative impact on peoples lives, polute rivers, lakes and streams, cause foul-smelling odors to the FSE or lead to business closure! And, worse release bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, spreading diseases and endangering public health. All these negative results arise from failure to separate FOG and solid waste from wastewater before discharging to sewerage water. To avoid these

The Simplest Way To Make the Best of Grease Removal from Fabric.

  These kind of stains can be very destructing or destorting especially if you aren't used to dealing with them!  In fact greasy stains are hard and challenging to deal with if left to soak and set on large area on your upholstery compared to other stains like; oil, food and beverage stains,  fruits stains, drinks and more! But it doesn't have to remain the same way forever! Is greasy stains going to rule the world forever? Definitely, no! Here is what you need to know and practice all the time you need to clean your fabric upholstery from greasy stains.    Without further Ado, let dive in.... Upholstery fabrics can be misery to clean because the fabrics used can be varied, such as; • Cotton                      • Olefin • Silk                          • Wool • Linen                      • Acetate • Rayon                    • Acrylic • and more! With each having a slight difference in cleaning method. Here are the steps to take when cleaning upholstery stuffing : 1 . Blot the s