Allbestclean will help you address the issue of mold creep in your home or business building, stains or spills removal. We will cover food establishment services best cleaning and maintenance practices, grease control devices and many more! As we deliver the best yet simple, efficient, faster, unique and proven solution. You can think of Allbestclean site as the blog to go when it comes to cleaning matters.

 Hey everyone!

I'm Antony Mwenda from Kenya, The founder of allbestclean blog, at allbestclean we promise to help people like you, live in the kind of environment that keeps you, your family, clients and friends smiling, healthy and well organized based upon maintaining the most hygienic cleaning practices in your house, business and or commercial business. And, using our prompt simplified solution we help you deal with the most prominent problematics like; hard grease removal and much more!

Digital Entrepreneur and genius marketer

I'm naturally a digital Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is what am passionate about, this calling  took place when I owned my first smartphone at age of 19 years. Funny, right? Its true.

When I was a kid, I usually loved to do technical stuff, hard things and, owning a computer was my huge desire though, unfortunately it seemed like a mere dream!

My life breakthrough came when I possessed my first smartphone device Huawei DRA LX5! This completely transformed my life and since then my life has never been the same again. 

Astonishing! Right? continue reading to find out how!

I started working on personal development for the fact that my life was ruined with toxic relationships and drugs!!

I also meticulously started developing entrepreneurial skills and learning financial literacy.  

I all did this by watching influencers on those particular subjects or niches on youtube, reading focused and well informative blog posts written my these masters, downloading e-books, worksheets, cheat-sheets, opening mails and most importantly, taking action.  

I was unskillful, jobless with no direction. Another enormous breakthrough happened to me when I learned how to set goals, with deadlines. Meaningful and realistic goals. 

As well when I trained myself, my mind to take 100% responsibility of my own life and whatsoever happens to me.

I'm now owning my first physical business and this niche targeted blog, also planning to extend this blog to start offering cleaning services, mold remediation and such more!

Now, you might ask! Specifically, what job or value do I do or add?

Its pretty simple!

I help parents or stay-at-home moms, and commercial cleaning stuffs achieve the level of pleasant hygiene, eliminate the excruciatingly difficult stains, spills or mold spores not only with the probably well known cleaning methods like; vinegar, salt, baking soda, ammonia etc, but through my new innovative product which is a revolution in cleaning technology.

You can think of this product as a game changer in the way we think about cleaning formulas in the year 2021!

Unfortunately, this blog is just starting from scratch and we are yet to be featured in the known publication sites. Honestly, we have not started receiving testimonials since we have just started to scratch the surface.

Though with time, this page is subject to change as we begin to receive compliments from our readers and related sites.

You can help allbestclean boost its authority in this niche by posting a good review or testimonial in the post comment section.

Remember to subscribe to my blog's newsletter to start receiving updates of when I publish a new post directly to your inbox. 

Check for the subscribe form somewhere above this page or at the top of blog homepage.

Together as one, let help each other. 

Best regards,

Antony Mwenda.


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