The Insiders Guide to What Causes Mold and Mildew in the Bathroom and How to Get Rid of It.

how to get rid of mold and mildew in your dream bathroom

Mold and Mildew are in nature fungus, unlike mildew being a fungus it health consequences are not severe as those of mold.

As well known, mold is essential in the decomposition of dead plants, trees and leaves. However, when it lands or creeps into your house it becomes completely dangerous both to your health and the whole family.

It's a pervasive fungus that grows both indoor and outdoor, and it has significant dangers to our health.

The only question that keeps dripping in our mind is; what are the main causes of mold and mildew, what is the ultimate solution or the best mold remover  to get rid of the already accumulated fungus and the best future practices to avoid such microbes from creeping back into our showers! 

And Without further buildup, let dive in......

The first critical element you need to understand is that mold and mildew reproduces, spread and thrives in a wet, dark and warm places which makes your bathroom an ideal place for these microscopic spores to appear.

This microbes will then need  food to grow, therefore any organic matter in the environment will feed the mold and cause it to spread rapidly, hence dust becomes one of the primary food sources for mold and mildew in the shower room and eventually the whole house!

According to Mansfieldplumbing 70% to 80% of dust is made up of human-skin a great food source of mold with other microscopic organisms and dust in air and on the surfaces in the bathroom participating in feeding these dangerous health hazards fungus! 

But that's not yet all! What are the main causes of the mold and mildew spores to appear and accumulate in your shower in the first place?

Keep reading......

Main causes of Mold and Mildew in your Bathroom.

1. Condensed excess water 

2. High humidity

3. Wet Rugs and Towels

4. Lack of exhauster fan

5. Leaving shower rooms enclosed for longer times

6. Leaky faucets and showerheads

7. Not spraying your tiles and caulking with mold-prohibiting solution regularly. At least once in a week.

8. Abstaining from regular towels cleaning and scrubbing.

9. Porous grout.

10. Skimping the unseen or sensitive areas where bacteria, dust and mold spores are more likely to accumulate while doing your cleaning!

11. Cleaning curtains and rugs with perfume instead of sanitizing products.

Almost to cover the interesting part of this topic, make sure you read to the end......

Best Practices on How to Prevent Mold from Creeping back in Grout, Tiles and, or in Bathroom.

1. Use a ventilation fan in your bathroom while you bathe and leave it active for 30 minutes after taking your bath.

2. After you  shower, wipe excess water on the surfaces  of your shower walls and shower floor with a old towel, shower rug, washcloth and, or a squeegee so it doesn't not condense or sink.

3. Clean and dry your bathroom more often and don't skimp on unseen places like: the corners and rigdes.

4. Wash your bathroom rugs and bathing towels more frequently and hang them in a dry ventilated areas.

5.Keep doors and windows open more oftenly to ventilate the room, and keep the room less warm.

6. Let the bathroom window stay open at least 15 minutes after you turn the shower off so that the excess moisture can escape rather than condense on the walls.

7. Don't leave wet bathing towel in your bathroom as it will contribute to the humidity in the room.

8. Keep tiles clean by regular scrubbing and cleaning. Unless frequently cleaned, the tile surface can become coated with a layer of soap-scum over time. which then builds up and creates a porus deposit which provides the ideal, breeding ground for mold.

9. Fix leaky faucets and showerheads to remove the source of excess moisture

10. Apply a coat or two of a silicone-based grout sealer to dry grout. It will significantly reduce the speed at which moisture can penetrate the porous grout so that it get less wet and dries much faster. The antimicrobial technology Incorporated in the sealant will provide a good barrier against all kinds of microbes, including mold.

11. Use mold-resistant paint and grout that contains anti-fungal additives when repainting your bath and installing new tiles.

The more you do to prevent mold from tiles, tiles lines, bathtubs and  drainage the easier it will be to put your bathroom in better condition. And, despite your best efforts to fight against these fungus, and they tend to to appear  make sure to remove them as prompt as possible!

Now comes the most interesting part.....

How to Remove Mold from Grout, Tiles, Bathtubs and Showerheads in the Bathroom.

As i have just stated, here comes the interesting part! You can think of it as a game changer.

You have always been exposed to usual cleaning fluids, detergents or solutions but today things are different!

But before  I introduce a detergent which is a revolution in cleaning technology, let first get to look abit at these familiar solutions!

1. Bleaching agent commonly known as chlorine bleach.

You can use this bleach to eliminate the mold fungus and soap residue but it has the following side effects and  disadvantages:

• Bleach causes fading and discoloration, therefore it should not be used on colored tiles or colored grout.
• The fumes from bleach can be irritating to the eyes skin and respiratory tract, so you need to wear a musk, safety glasses, and rubber gloves when using it.
• Regardless of it working well it's highly dangerous.

How it works.

Add one part of the bleach to four part of water in a spray bottle and spray the affected area. Give it a few minutes and then rinse with fresh water. Repeat the process if necessary.

2. Baking Soda

It won't harm or discolour the tiles or present any health hazards but it won't be efficient in killing the mold spores.

3. Salt

It efficient in killing single cell organisms like mold. All you need to do is; rub the affected area with a damp cloth with salt applied and sprinkle salt on the areas, after scrub the salt on grout lines and let it stay overnight. Rinse the surfaces with clean water in the morning

4. Vinegar or Tree Tea Oil.
Vinegar is one of the most effective natural cleaning agents, due to it acid nature, it works by creating an environment that inhibits bacteria growth.

How they work.

• Mix equal parts of distilled vinegar and water in a spray bottle and generously spray the affected surface. Wait for 30 minutes, scrub the area with bristle brush and rinse with warm water.

•With tree tea oil, add two teaspoons of the products to every glass of water and pour in a spray bottle.

However If mold growth is extensive, these natural products won't be strong enough to remove it.

You can also disinfect with both Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide by first, spraying the affected surface with vinegar then you allow it to sit for a moment. Afterwards, spray again but this time with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

It's a highly effective fungicide and whitening agent.

How it works

• Mix hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a thick paste, and apply the paste to the affected grout and allow it to work overnight before rinsing it well with fresh water.

• You can also try alternative by applying a thick paste of baking soda to the infected part, then pour hydrogen peroxide over the viscosity paste so that it begins to fizz. This will help loosen the mold. Finally scrub with a bristle brush  using cold water.

Sadly, sometimes even the hyrogen peroxide and bleach won't be powerful enough to kill the mold spores and remove the problem!

As you have just read above and if you have already used such home made recipes and commercial cleaning fluids and detergents ,you can come to agree with me that most of them are toxic chemicals which are dangerous to our health and that of the whole family, they might not much effective as well they can't multi-task effectively!

But today! I want to overdeliver....! 

What if I tell you that you don't need  to fill your cabinet with different solutions, and detergents anymore! Not that they don't work! It because this amazing, incredible product called Mighty 101, has come to save you space.

What about, putting an end of tedious, lengthy and toxic procedures you carry when you want to do your cleaning in the bathroom, kitchen, upholstery fabrics, carpets and many more! Could that be amazing? Absolutely, yes!

How can this magic happen then? It's all done by all in one product, mighty 101 which has 101 different uses!

It is a new innovation product which is completely non-toxic and biodegradable! It can be suitable for your child and dogs. Incredible! right?

Think of mighty 101 as a game changer and a emergency kit when spills accident occur or you start to notice fungus growth in your home!

Learn more about mighty 101 and give it a handy try.

Lastly, which is a must read...

Some might ask, how then will I notice or know that mold has arrived in my bathroom or in my house? But you don't need to worry! I have got' you covered. I have combined some of the signs which will keep you alert!

How to Spot Mold in Your Shower

1. Experiencing new allergic reactions
2. Black and yellow mold in shower grout
3. Yellow mold on wood
4. Recent respiratory issues
5. Old musty smells
6. Black moldy spots on ceiling
7. Black and pink mold on wet wood surfaces
8. White flaky mildew on the showerheads and drainage
9. Mold spores on bathroom wallpaper

If this content have helped or added some value to you, please share and comment below. Thank you for reading.


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